26th November 2014


Welcome to Al Rajhi Payment Gateway

The solution and consequently the service lies in the flexibility of the platform and the universality of the solution design.
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Q: How Institution can become an Institution and Merchant of Payment Gateway?
  1. Institution Portal user credentials shall be created for their dedicated access of Payment Gateway Product
  2. Institution need to Acquire Merchants who are in need process their payment online via their Institution using the Payment Gateway Product
  3. Once Merchant signs the agreement with Institution then Merchant Portal user credentials shall be created for their dedicated access on the Payment Gateway Suite
Q: How to integrate Merchant portal with Payment Gateway?
  1. Identifying the requirement of the merchant, Institution shall create a virtual terminal under a merchant to process their payment request.
  2. Merchants can download their plug-ins from the Payment Gateway portal
  3. Merchant website need to be integrated with the Payment Gateway using the plug-in following the implementation process
Q: How many modes of payment can be processed using Payment Gateway?
  1. There are two modes of initiating the payment request from Merchant
    1. Institution interface accepting the customer card credentials
      1. Merchants need to request using the plug-in to initiate the payment process
      2. Customers shall be redirected to the Institution’s Payment Processing Screen where the customer can provide their card credentials
      3. After processing the payment, an advice shall be provided to the merchant
      4. Based on the response, merchant can confirm or reject the order
    2. Merchant interface accepting the customer card credentials
      1. Merchant need to collect customer card credentials in their web portal where customer purchases his / her product online
      2. Merchant should initiate the payment request to Payment Gateway
      3. Payment Gateway after processing the payment, an advice shall be provided to the merchant
      4. Based on the response, merchant can confirm or reject the order
Q: How to process payment using Internet banking user id and password credentials?
  1. Payment Gateway can be integrated with Internet Banking Host upon Institution's participation request
  2. The Merchant tied up under these Institution can avail this payment processing option
  3. Customer need to choose the "Payment through Internet Banking credentials" option while shopping using the merchant web portal online
  4. Upon customer's selection request shall be forwarded to the respective Internet Banking website where in Customer can provide their User login credentials for authentication
  5. Once Authentication is successful, response shall be provide to Merchant through Payment Gateway
  6. Based on the response, merchant can confirm or reject the order
Q: How to process payment using Credit card?
  1. Institution need to register with Visa / Master card / Diners for using the Two Factor Authentication enablement
  2. Merchant need to register with Visa / Master card / Diners for using the Two Factor Authentication enablement
  3. Customer need to choose the "Payment through credit card" option while shopping using the merchant interface / Institution interface
  4. Customer need to provide card credentials and one time pass code registered with their Issuer Access Control System
  5. Once Authentication is successful, response shall be provided to Merchant through Payment Gateway
  6. Based on the response, merchant can confirm or reject the order
Q: How to process payment using Debit card?
  1. Customer need to choose the "Payment through debit card" option while shopping using the Institution's Payment Gateway interface
  2. Customer need to provide Card Credentials
  3. Once Authentication is successful, response shall be provided to Merchant through Payment Gateway
  4. Based on the response, merchant can confirm or reject the order
Q: How to process payment using Inter Bank Mobile Payment Service?
  1. Customer need to choose the "Payment through Inter Bank Mobile Payment Service" option while shopping using the Institution's Payment Gateway interface
  2. Customer need to provide his / her Mobile Number, MMID and OTP
  3. Once Authentication is successful at the mobile Pay, response shall be provided to Merchant through Payment Gateway
  4. Based on the response, merchant can confirm or reject the order
Q: How to process Bulk Payments?
  1. Merchant need to collect the customer Card Number or transaction reference number to perform Refund transactions in a file
  2. Upload the payment file into the Payment Gateway portal using their user credentials
  3. Once upload successful, Institution shall initiate the payment process
  4. Status of the transaction is available in the Transaction detail report
Q: What are the various delivery Channels supported?
  1. IVR
  2. Web
Q: What are the various integration options available?
  1. ASP Integration
  2. ASP.net Integration
  3. PHP
  4. JAVA

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    12263 King Fahad Rd, Riyadh Saudi Arabia Contact # 920004550